We know what message templates are and they are only allowed by WhatsApp to be sent by business to open a 24-hr window, let’s see how we can initiate a broadcast to the end-users via a CSV file.

TIP: Unlike regular broadcasting where you are allowed to send same media file to all your recipients, using CSV can help you send personalised media and variables as well

  1. Click on Broadcast on the top navigation bar.

  2. Click on Start New Broadcast.

    Image : Create a broadcast

    Image : Create a broadcast

  3. Give a name to your broadcast, and select a language of templates to be sent.

    Image : Create broadcast name & select language

    Image : Create broadcast name & select language

  4. Select a template from the list of templates as shown below and then click on next step.

    Image : Selecting a template from the list of templates

    Image : Selecting a template from the list of templates

  5. After selecting the template with a media, check the following toggle on, which says ‘I want to upload variables and recipients via a .csv or .xlsx file

When the toggle is on, the file to upload variables will be available to download. Click on ‘Download csv file’


  1. In the file downloaded, there are columns to be filled as per the number of varaibles present in the templates. It is shown below.

For example, If the header has media like image, video or document, paste links for each of the recipient in front of their name under the column Header_Media.

Group 83.png

Please note that it is mandatory to fill the First Name, Country code, WhatsApp number and the variables in the csv file

  1. Once the file is filled and uploaded, the state is as shown below. From the dropdown, choose the column that you’d like to be mapped to the variable in the template.